mixing text and images in presentations

When lecturing I usually have a manuscript written i LaTeX and a PDF-presentation written i beamer/LaTeX. To include minipages of the visual presentation in the manuscript, I use the following code:

some text of what I intend to say before page 17...


My comments of page 17 in the presentation comes here...

The thing to note is that the \includegraphics function can take a page argument. While this is nice, it somewhat complicates the use of muse as a starting point for the lectures. It turns out that including LaTeX code in muse is quite simple, just use the == tag. some text of what I intend to say before page 17... \includegraphics[page=17]{/tmp/my-presentation.pdf}

My comments of page 17 in the presentation comes here... </example>

Still, this is not perfect, since if you change the order of the slides in the presentation, you will have to edit a lot of places in your manuscript. A name based reference would have been better, but it does not feel right to divide the presentation into named pieces. I don't know why.

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