Email: filtering spam at SMTP-time with exim4, spamassassin, greylist and more


Problem: add a spam-filter to a basic exim4 installation (exim4-daemon-light).



I had a working exim4 installation that accepted mail from a trusted server that performed spam-filtering. That server was taken out of service and now the spam-filtering part have to be done on this server instead. First, install exim4-daemon-heavy.

apt-get install exim4-daemon-heavy

This will automatically remove exim4-daemon-light, which is good. I tested that the new server accepted mails and contiued to install greylistd and sa-exim.

apt-get install greylistd sa-exim
greylistd-setup-exim4 add

sa-exim pulls in spamc but spamc does not depend on spamassassin, though, since one might want to run spamassassin on only one server in a network and spamc on several clients. Therefore, an explicit installation of spamassassin is needed.

apt-get install spamassassin

Now, in order to enhance the performance of spamassassin, I followed the advice in /usr/share/doc/spamassassin/README.Debian.gz and installed some packages to be able to use precompiled patterns:

apt-get install re2c libc6-dev gcc make

To get it all started configure /etc/default/spamassassin and set

# Change to one to enable spamd


and configure /etc/spamassassin/v320.pre where the following line should be un-commented

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Rule2XSBody

Now, compile some patterns with sa-compile:

# sa-compile
[31687] info: generic: base extraction starting. this can take a while...
[31687] info: generic: extracting from rules of type body_0
 96% [==========================================  ]   5.32 rules/sec 00m04s LEFT

On a computer as slow as mine, it will take a while...

When the compilation is done, start spamassassin.

/etc/init.d/spamassassin start
Starting SpamAssassin Mail Filter Daemon: spamd.

One thing left to do, explicitly enable spamassassin in /etc/exim4/sa-exim.conf.

The original:

# Remove or comment out the following line to enable sa-exim
SAEximRunCond: 0

must read:

# Remove or comment out the following line to enable sa-exim
# SAEximRunCond: 0

Note on split_config vs monolithic

I had trouble getting sa-exim to actually run spamassassin on the message until I realised that I did not use split_config. greylistd added itself to the monolithic exim4.conf.template so it worked, but sa-exim only added a file /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/15_sa-exim_plugin_path. So, I had to switch to


in /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf to get sa-exim to run spamassassin.


In /etc/greylistd/whitelist-hosts I put a pattern that matches mail sent from the domain of my employer


And in /etc/spamassassin/ I added a few lines with mail-addresses that I trust.

whitelist_from *


Sticking with the default 5.0 for now.


greylisting relies on that the same IP will be used for successive attempts to deliver, googles mail service does not - always - work that way. A workaround is to whitelist * in /etc/greylistd/whitelist-hosts.

Callout or not?

Since my ISP blocks tcp/25 outgoing I had not the possibility to use the debated callout test. Here's a two articles on the subject: for and against.

Other measures

To get SPF-testing to work, I did:

apt-get install libmail-spf-query-perl

And created a file /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/00_local_options


To activate configuration changes

invoke-rc.d exim4 restart


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