
I wanted to use an old program on my computer(s). The program was available as source and binary, but the binary had unsatisfiable dependencies, and were not the latest version. So I thought this might be a good case of learning to create a source .deb and then offering it for download (the program in question, qjoypad, was licensed with GPL 2).

Here is a step-by-step instruction of how to do that.

0. Install the necessary software for creating deb-packages and compiling. Strictly speaking, these are two different things, you don't need to be able to compile the software in order to create a source .deb

For creating the source .deb, you need:1

apt-get install autotools-dev fakeroot dh-make

1. get the source, extract it and go to that directory:

wget -nd
tar -zxvf qjoypad-3.4.1.tgz
cd qjoypad-3.4.1

2. Create the files needed for the .deb: (gpl is used here, because this particular program was licensed with gpl, you have to check what license applies to your program, of course.)

dh_make -c gpl -e -s --createorig

3. Optionally edit debian/README.Debian and debian/control

4. Build the source package

dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -us -uc

While this didn't really fail, it didn't produce any .deb either, only these three files:


So I installed the rest of the packages needed for actually compiling the source and creating a binary .deb. The last two are build dependencies of this particular package.

apt-get install build-essential libqt3-mt-dev libxtst-dev

Now, you have to add the commands that actually build the software to the file debian/rules. But before doing so, edit the config file so the package will not install into /usr/local, it must only install into a sub-directory of the debian directory in the sources.

I had to change




The upstream documented make process was the standard:

make install

These commands must be executed from within the src directory, so in debian/rules I modified the following lines:

	# Add here commands to configure the package.
	cd src;  ./config


	# Add here commands to compile the package.
	cd src; $(MAKE)


	# Add here commands to clean up after the build process.
	cd src; $(MAKE) clean

	dh_installdirs qjoypad
	# Add here commands to install the package into debian/qjoypad.
	cd src; $(MAKE) INSTALL_ROOT=$(CURDIR)/debian/qjoypad install

1. Source:

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