Live game vloging

Recording the session

I use recordmydesktop, which outputs to ogg video. Reduce the video resolution, or the CPU requirements will be too high. I use a window size of 640x704.

recordmydesktop --windowid 0x6200003 --quick-subsampling  --fps 10 --channels 1 \
  --on-the-fly-encoding --device pulse --freq 44100

Cut the session into relevant parts

ffmpeg -i full.ogv -ss 00:05:35 -t 00:06:15 -acodec copy -vcodec copy temp.ogv

Extract and normalize the audio

mplayer -novideo -vo null -ao pcm:file=foo.wav temp.ogv
ecanormalize foo.wav

Mix original video with the new, normalized sound

ffmpeg -i temp.ogv -i foo.wav -c:v copy -strict experimental -map 0:v:0 \
       -map 1:a:0 final.ogv

Upload final.ogv to youtube and we are done here.

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