Fresh install of Debian 9

This documents all steps taken after running the debian installer on a brand new computer.

Fix the locales

dpkg-reconfigure locales

Improve the package management system

Improve the transport method

Make the transport method secure

Install the apt-transport-https package

apt-get install apt-transport-https

Modify the /etc/apt/sources.list to contain secure sources (https).

deb stable/updates main deb stable main contrib non-free

Use this transport method

apt-get update

Make the box conveniently accessible


Install additional packages

Get a set of additional packages to install

On an other computer, a one already configured to my preferences, extract the list of manually installed packages:

apt-mark showmanual > packages.list
scp packages.list

Remove some elements in the list

These packages were not available for this architecture with these sources, so these had to be removed: skype, linux-image-i686, remember-el, planner-el, rmysql-cran

Install the packages in the list

apt-get install `cat /home/hans/packages.list`

Install obsolete packages manually

Some packages I use are no longer available in debian, so I had to get them from earlier versions of debian and install them manually with dpkg: remember-el planner-el.

Get user data

I followed the procedure outlined in NewHome.

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